Praying for a
disciple making movement
in Slovenia.

- #Pray4Slovenia

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Who We Are

#Pray4Slovenia serves as a connection point for anyone with a passion to see a disciple making movement in Slovenia.

Pray with us that Slovenia will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)

Whatsapp Prayer Group

We use the messaging app WhatsApp as our group prayer chat. You can download the free WhatsApp app for phone or desktop at Once you have the app installed, use the link below to join the group.

New Trainings Needed
New Churches Needed

What We Care About

We know that every disciple making movement in history has begun with Extraordinary Prayer.

“You do not have because you do not ask God.” – James 4:2
“The story of every great Christian achievement is the history of answered prayer.” – E.M. Bounds


#Pray4Slovenia loves God, loves people, and helps Christians fulfill the Great Commission by mobilizing prayer.


#Pray4Slovenia promotes strategic prayer for movement, knowing that ( based upon research ) extraordinary prayer is found at the root of all modern movements.


#Pray4Slovenia will never ask for money or market to you on behalf of others. The resources and events we may mention will always be for the benefit and connection of the community.


#Pray4Slovenia welcomes collaboration of all Christians.


#Pray4Slovenia cares that obedient disciples of Jesus Christ make more obedient disciples. Obeying all that Jesus commanded includes making disciples who make disciples.


#Pray4Slovenia strives to neither under- nor over-estimate man’s role in disciple multiplication movements. God declared prayer as the vehicle for seeking and receiving his kingdom in the place we live.


#Pray4Slovenia asks everyone to not only pray but also to mobilize prayer through relationships and opportunities God provides.


#Pray4Slovenia is super brief, usually 1-to-3 lines long. We aim to provoke directed prayer, not monologue.

Not Political

#Pray4Slovenia is not a political agenda, rather an effort for sinners who have found forgiveness in Christ to share this Good News with others.

Contact Us

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